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Why is the Center of the Earth so important?

Why is the Center of the Earth so important?

According to the Book of Jubilees, Adam was created in the land of Elda, at the Center of the Earth. Elda comes from the Hebrew Eldaah (אלדעה), meaning "God called" or "knowledge of God". This is where Adam first stood before he was taken to the Garden of Eden, on the eastern side of our earthly borders. His body was buried on the very site of his creation. It was also on this very site that YESHUA was crucified. 

Catholic tradition places Adam's tomb in modern Jerusalem beneath the place where Jesus was "supposedly" crucified. But interestingly, Revelation 11:8 seems to indicate that Jesus Christ was crucified in Egypt (or Aegypto).

  • Revelations 11:8 "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified."  


Some scholars argue that this verse should not be interpreted in a literal sense but rather in a spiritual context, as the "great city" more likely refers to Rome, which can be spiritually called "Sodom" for its abominations and "Egypt" for its tyrannical cruelty and persecution of the Jews. 

Now, if modern interpreters thought that this verse could only be understood in a spiritual context, they would never have replaced "our Lord" with "their Lord", because in a much deeper sense, this change brings us back to the existence of two parallel realities: The Altered Narrative and The Truth.

1 - Our Lord who was crucified in primitive Egypt, or rather Aethiopia sub Aegypto?

  • ​Revelations 11:8 "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." - La Bible de King James 1611

2 - Their Lord who was crucified in the ancient land of Canaan?

  • Revelations 11:8 "Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city—figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where their Lord was also crucified." - Berean Standard Bible


Here's an ancient map from 1632 by Pascoal Roiz (Portuguese cartographer and portolan producer), written on parchment and preserved in the Musée de Dinan. On the back of the manuscript is written: "donated by Mr. and Mrs. Lecourt de La Villethassetz, September 4, 1844. G. Buisson". Frédéric Lecourt de La Villethassetz (1798-1871) was a jurist and collector of old volumes, titles and other authentic archaic documents. Some of these he donated to the museum. Notice how this authentic map shows the cross of Jesus Christ in the center of Africa, with the inscription Egipto just above the cross. It also shows two Jerusalems: one in the Middle East and one in the Congo.

Are we implying that Mount Zion is the center of Africa?  


Yes, and you will understand why as you read on. 

In the video below you will find portulan charts from the 14th to 16th centuries, inscribed on parchment, with wind roses and crossed rhumb lines. These wind roses were the basic elements used for navigation. How these charts were produced remains a state secret. However, they all feature a very large compass rose at the center of Africa precisely in the region known as Aethiopia sub Aegypto (Ethiopia under Egypt) or Aegypto, indicating that this is the center of the Earth, but also the throne of a high priest.

Some people argue that with new technologies, it has been proven that the center of the earth lies in the Middle East. In 1877, Joseph Augustus Seiss, a Lutheran pastor known for his religious writings on pyramidology, asserted that the pyramid of Khéops (Gizeh) is located at the exact intersection of the longest line of Latitude and the longest line of Longitude; in other words, at the center of the entire earth's mass. Calculating its apothem (the distance joining the top of the pyramid to the middle of one of the sides of the base) by the half-base of the pyramid is equal to the golden number "π" = Pi = 22/7 = 3.14 (22 represents the 22 acts of Creation and 7 represents the time ELOHIM took to create the world, then rested).

The problem with these statements is this: All modern maps follow the Mercator projection created in 1569 by Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator. His map excessively amplifies the areas at the poles, in order to create straight lines of constant orientation or geographical direction, so that the countries to the north appear larger than they really are, compared to the countries near the equator.

Mercator projection map distorted along the equator
Mercator projection map distorted along the equator
Lambert cylindrical projection which is undistorted along the equator
Lambert cylindrical projection which is undistorted along the equator

Note that modern critics are accusing the mercator projection of being biased, distorting our perception of the world and tied to racial supremacy. Thus, defining the center of the Earth on a Mercator projection map will produce inaccurate results. 

While there's an obvious mystery hidden from the public concerning the Pyramid of Kheops, neither the Great Pyramid nor the Middle East can possibly be the center of the Earth..

Now, if the Real Mount Zion is the center of Africa, inevitably The Messiah would have walked on human soil as a man of black descent.

  • Romans 11:26 "And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove godlessness from Jacob."

You be the judge, and we encourage you to do your own research.

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©2019 by Les Versets Bibliques - Secrets of Heaven. 

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