Chapter 51 - The Names of The Eastern Catholics, the Successors of The Apostles Addai and Mârî

Addai was buried in Edessa.
Mârî (was buried) in the convent of Kônî.
Abrîs, called in Greek A[m]brosius; the place of his grave is unknown; he was of the laying on of hands of Antioch.
Abraham was of the laying on of hands of Antioch; he was descended from the family of Jacob the son of Joseph; his grave is in Ctesiphon.
James, of the laying on of hands of Antioch, was also of the family of Joseph the husband of Mary; his grave is in Ctesiphon.
Ahâ-d´abû[hî] was of the laying on of hands of Antioch; his grave is in Ctesiphon.
Shahlûphâ was of the laying on of hands of Ctesiphon, and he was buried there.
Pâpâ; his grave is at Ctesiphon.
Simon bar Sabbâ`ê was martyred at Shôshân.
Shah-dôst was buried in Ctesiphon.
Bar-Be`esh-shemîn was martyred and buried in Elam (Khûzistân).
Tûmarsâ was buried in Ctesiphon.
Kâyômâ was buried in Ctesiphon; he abdicated the patriarchate, and another was put in his place, and was before him until he died.
Isaac was buried in Ctesiphon.
Ahâ was buried in Ctesiphon.
Yab-alâhâ was of the school of Mâr `Abdâ; he was buried in Ctesiphon.
Ma`nâ dwelt in Persia and was buried there.
Dâd-îshô` was buried in Hêrtâ. In his days the strife between Nestorius and Cyril (of Alexandria) took place.
Bâbôi was martyred and buried in Hêrtâ.
Akak (Acacius) was of the family of Bâbôi the Catholicus; he was buried in alMadâïn.
Bâbai took a wife, and was buried at Ctesiphon,
Shîlâ took a wife, and was buried in his convent beside Awânâ.
Paul was buried in Ctesiphon.
Mâr(î)-abâ was buried in Hêrtâ, and was a martyr without bloodshed.
Ezekiel was buried in Hêrtâ.
Îshô`-yab of Arzôn was buried in Hêrtâ.
Sabr-îshô` was buried in Hêrtâ.
Gregory was buried in . . . . . .
Îshô`-yab of Gedâlâ was buried in . . . . . .
Mâr[î]-emmêh was buried in Ketîmiyâ (?).
Îshô`-yab of Adiabene was buried in Bêth-`Âbê.
George was buried in . . . . . .
John was buried in . . . . . .
Henân-îshô` was buried in . . . . . .
Selîbâ-zekhâ was buried in Ctesiphon.
Pethiôn was buried in Ctesiphon.
Mâr[î]-abâ was buried in al-Madâïn.
Jacob was buried in . . . . . .
Henân-îshô` was buried in . . . . . .
Timothy was buried in his own convent
Îshô` (Joshua) the son of Nôn (Nun) was buried in the convent of Timothy.
George was buried in the same convent.
Sabr-îshô`3 was buried in the same convent.
Abraham was buried in the same convent.
Athanasius was buried in the same convent.
Sergius was buried in the same convent.
Anôsh (Enos) was buried in the same convent.
John the son of Narsai was buried in the Greek Palace (at Baghdâd).
Joannes was buried in the Greek Palace.
John was buried in the Greek Palace.
Abraham was buried in the convent of `Abdôn.
Emmanuel was buried in the Greek Palace.
Israel was buried in the Greek Palace.
`Abd-îshô` was buried in the Greek Palace.
Mârî was buried in the Greek Palace.
Joannes was buried in the Greek Palace.
John was buried in the Greek Palace.
Îshô`-yab was buried in the Grek Palace.
Elijah (Elîyâ) was buried in the Greek Palace.
John was buried in the Greek Palace.
Sabr-îshô` was buried in the Greek Palace
`Abd-îshô` was buried in the Greek Palace.
Makkîkhâ was buried in the Greek Palace.
Elijah (Elîyâ) was buried in the Greek Palace.
Bar-saumâ was buried in the Greek Palace.
`Abd-îshô` was buried . . . . . .
Îshô`-yab was buried in the church of Mâr Sabr-îshô`.
Elijah (Elîyâ) was buried in the church of Mâr Sabr-îshô`.
Yab-alâhâ was buried in the church of Mârt[î] Maryam (my lady Mary).
Sabr-îshô` was buried in the church of Mârt[î] Maryam.
Sabr-îshô` was buried . . . . . .
[Mâr Makkîkhâ was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Denhâ was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Yab-alâhâ the Turk was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Timothy was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Denhâ was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Simon was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Elijah (Elîyâ) was buried . . . . . .
Mâr Simon of our days, may he live for ever!]
The names of the Catholics who were deposed and dismissed (from office): Mâr(î)- bôkht, Narsai, Elisha, Joseph and Sôrên.